Deep Reinforcement Learning that Matters

Peter Henderson, Riashat Islam, Philip Bachman, Joelle Pineau, Doina Precup, David Meger

(Microsoft, McGill University)

AAAI 2018


Presented by Zachary Sunberg, August 26, 2021


  1. Some interesting problem (smallsat swarm)
  2. Spend weeks theorizing about the exact-right cost function and dynamics
  3. Decide RL can solve all of your problems
  4. Fire up open-ai baselines
  5. Does it work??


Why not?

  • Hyperparameters?
  • Reward scaling?
  • Not enough training time????

Motivation: The Dream


  • When we read the RL literature how do we know what algorithm is best for our appliction?
  • How do we credit people for doing good research work in RL?



  1. Provide an unbiased perspective on popular policy gradient algorithms
  2. Investigate effects of various factors on reproducibility
    1. Algorithm - environment matching
    2. Hyperparameters (reward scale)
    3. Random Seeds
    4. Codebases
  3. Provide a rallying point for discussions on reproducibility

Background: Policy Gradient

Context in Literature

Note: would expect more in a normal presentation

Computation Experiments

Half Cheetah



  • ACKTR (Wu et al. 2017, Toronto)
  • DDPG (Lillicrap et al. 2015, DeepMind)
  • TRPO, PPO (Schulman et al. 2015,2017, Berkeley)
  • 5 random seeds
  • Mean and Standard Error

Computational Resources

Not reported, 2 million timesteps in learning curves



Numerical Results: Algorithms

Numerical Results: Policy Network Architecture

Numerical Results: Policy Network Architecture

Numerical Results: Value Network Architecture

Numerical Results: Reward Rescaling

"simply multiplying the rewards generated from an environment by some scalar"

Numerical Results: Statistical Significance

"Unfortunately, in recent reported results, it is not uncommon for the top-N trials to be selected from among several trials (Wu et al. 2017; Mnih et al. 2016)"

Numerical Results: Codebases

Numerical Results: Bootstrap Confidence Intervals


  • If you are comparing against a baseline, results should match performance reported in original
  • Use many random seeds
  • Report all details ("the most important step")

Without the publication of implementations and related details, wasted effort on reproducing state-of-the-art works will plague the community and slow down progress.



  • Challenging the community in a helpful way
  • Experiments effectively demonstrate their points


  • Some results actually seem a bit cherry-picked

Impact and Legacy

Over 1000 citations, including

  • Soft Actor-Critic
  • TD3

Future Work for Paper/Reading

  • "Hyperparameter agnostic algorithms"
  • "Safe RL evaluation methods"

Contributions (Recap)


  1. Provide an unbiased perspective on popular policy gradient algorithms
  2. Investigate effects of various factors on reproducibility
    1. Algorithm - environment matching
    2. Hyperparameters (reward scale)
    3. Random Seeds
    4. Codebases
  3. Provide a rallying point for discussions on reproducibility