CSCI 5636

 Generating Optimal Path for
Non-holonomic vehicles using the Hamilton-Jacobi Formulation

Slides borrowed from my colleague William Pope


  • Tree-based online (PO)MDP solvers use rollout simulations to initialize new nodes
    • Reward is sparse in navigation scenarios, so need a good rollout policy to distinguish good and bad future positions! 
    • Value estimate must be generated quickly to build search tree online
  • HJB provides on-demand optimal trajectories from any point in space, used for rollout in pedestrian navigation problem

Multi-Query Motion Planning

  • Can use multi-query planning as policy for rollout simulations
  • Single run of planner algorithm provides complete trajectories on-demand from any point in state space
  • Common multi-query methods:
    • Fast marching method (FMM)
    • Probabilistic roadmaps (PRM)



However: these methods don't work well for systems with differential constraints

Curvature-Constrained Dynamics

  • Simple nonlinear kinematic model used to approximate motion of a car
  • Assumes instantaneous changes in speed and steering angle
\dot{x} = f(x,u) = \begin{bmatrix} \dot{x} \\ \dot{y} \\ \dot{\theta} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} u_{v} \cos{\theta} \\ u_{v} \sin{\theta} \\ u_{v}\frac{1}{l}\tan{u_{\phi}} \end{bmatrix}
u = \begin{bmatrix} u_{v} \\ u_{\phi} \end{bmatrix}
x = \begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \\ \theta \end{bmatrix}

Reeds-Shepp Curves

  • For vehicle with car-like steering, shortest path between two states will always be a series of straight lines connected by minimum-radius curves, driven at max speed
U_{opt} = \begin{Bmatrix} (\max(u_{v}), 0.0) & (\min(u_{v}), 0.0) \\ (\max(u_{v}), \max(u_{\phi}) & (\min(u_{v}), \max(u_{\phi}) \\ (\max(u_{v}), \min(u_{\phi}) & (\min(u_{v}), \min(u_{\phi}) \end{Bmatrix}
  • So for first-order dynamics, continuous-time optimal action will always be 1 of 6:

Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation

  • PDE for finding global optimal control of a system (Bellman, 1950s)
  • Value function: minimum cost-to-go over given time interval
    • C – cost rate function
    • D – terminal value
V(x(t_{0}),t_{0}) = \min_{u}\{\int_{t_{0}}^{t_{f}} C(x(\tau),u(\tau)) d\tau + D(x(t_{f}))\}
V(x(t_{0}),t_{0}) = \min_{u}\{V(x(t_{0}+dt),t_{0}+dt) + \int_{t_{0}}^{t_{0}+dt} C(x(\tau),u(\tau)) d\tau\}
  • Rewriting with dynamic programming principle:

Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation

  • Applying Taylor series expansion to right side:
V(x(t),t) = \min_{u}\{V(x(t+dt),t+dt) + \int_{t}^{t+dt} C(...) d\tau\}
V(x(t),t) = \min_{u}\{V(x(t),t) + \frac{\partial V}{\partial t}dt + \frac{\partial V}{\partial x}dx + \int_{t}^{t+dt} C(...) d\tau\}
V(x(t),t) = V(x(t),t) + \frac{\partial V}{\partial t}dt + \min_{u}\{\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}\dot{x}dt + \int_{t}^{t+dt} C(...) d\tau\}
0 = \frac{\partial V}{\partial t} + \min_{u}\{\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}\dot{x} + \frac{1}{dt}\int_{t}^{t+dt} C(...) d\tau\}
0 = \frac{\partial V}{\partial t} + \min_{u}\{\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}f(x,u) + C(x,u) \}
  • Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman partial differential equation:

Solving HJB

  • Apply system information to HJB PDE:
0 = \frac{\partial V}{\partial t} + \min_{u}\{\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}f(x,u) + C(x,u) \}
\frac{\partial V}{\partial t} = 0
C(x,u) = 1
  • Value function doesn't change over time:
  • Cost = time elapsed, cost rate:
-1 = \min_{u}\{\frac{\partial V}{\partial x} \cdot f(x,u) \}
-1 = \min_{(u_{v},u_{\phi})}\{V_{x}(u_{v}\cos{\theta}) + V_{y}(u_{v}\sin{\theta}) + V_{\theta}(u_{v}\frac{1}{l}\tan{u_{\phi}}) \}

Solving HJB

  • Finite difference method (FDM) – numerical method for approximating derivatives
    • Forward/backward:
V_{x} = \frac{V_{i+1,j,k} - V_{ijk}}{h_{xy}}
V_{x} = \frac{-(V_{i-1,j,k} - V_{ijk})}{h_{xy}}
\text{PDE: } -1 = \min_{(u_{v},u_{\phi})}\{V_{x}(u_{v}\cos{\theta}) + V_{y}(u_{v}\sin{\theta}) + V_{\theta}(u_{v}\frac{1}{l}\tan{u_{\phi}}) \}
  • Upwind scheme
    • Value at given state only depends on value of "upwind" states (closer to target)
    • In FDM, need to pull value from upwind states
      • Upwind direction is determined by state/action
i_{uw} = i + sgn(\dot{x}) \\ j_{uw} = j + sgn(\dot{y}) \\ k_{uw} = k + sgn(\dot{\theta})
V_{x} = \frac{sgn(\dot{x})(V_{i_{uw},j,k} - V_{ijk})}{h_{xy}}

Solving HJB

  • Plugging in upwind FDM:
-1 = \frac{sgn(\dot{x})(V_{i_{uw}} - V)}{h_{xy}}(u_{v}\cos{\theta}) + \frac{sgn(\dot{y})(V_{j_{uw}} - V)}{h_{xy}}(u_{v}\sin{\theta}) + \frac{sgn(\dot{\theta})(V_{k_{uw}} - V)}{h_{\theta}}(u_{v}\frac{1}{l}\tan{u_{\phi}})
V_{i,j,k} = \frac{\frac{h_{xy}}{u_{v}} \text{ } + \text{ } V_{i_{uw},j,k} \text{ } s_{\dot{x}}\cos{\theta_{k}} \text{ } + \text{ } V_{i,j_{uw},k} \text{ } s_{\dot{y}}\sin{\theta_{k}} \text{ } + \text{ } V_{i,j,k_{uw}} \text{ } s_{\dot{\theta}}(\frac{h_{xy}}{h_{\theta}l})\tan{u_{\phi}}}{s_{\dot{x}}\cos{\theta_{k}} \text{ } + \text{ } s_{\dot{y}}\sin{\theta_{k}} \text{ } + \text{ } s_{\dot{\theta}}(\frac{h_{xy}}{h_{\theta}l})\tan{u_{\phi}}}
\text{PDE: } -1 = \min_{(u_{v},u_{\phi})}\{V_{x}(u_{v}\cos{\theta}) + V_{y}(u_{v}\sin{\theta}) + V_{\theta}(u_{v}\frac{1}{l}\tan{u_{\phi}}) \}
  • Solution:

Solving HJB

  • Implementation:
    1. ​Set initial value at every node in grid (target: 0, else: large)
    2. Iterate through all nodes in free space
      1. Calculate V_ijk through FDM with upwind neighbors for each of 6 possible optimal actions, keep lowest value
    3. Repeat sweeps until all nodes have converged

Step 22

Step 66

Solving HJB

Value function from solving HJB PDE:

Optimal paths from gradient of value function:

Sliced at θ=50°


h_{xy} = 0.25 \text{ m}
h_{xy} = 0.6 \text{ m}
h_{xy} = 0.1 \text{ m}


h_{xy} = 0.25 \text{ m} \\ T_{path} = 7.66 \text{ s}
h_{xy} = 0.6 \text{ m} \\ T_{path} = \text{n/a}
h_{xy} = 0.1 \text{ m} \\ T_{path} = 7.45 \text{ s}


Future Work

  • Refine existing HJB solver
  • Investigate improvements
  • Add velocity to state space

What I am proud of!!

What I am proud of!!